Sports Management (SM)

Sport has evolved into a full-fledged and practical career option in this modern day. Thus, athletes need to take pro-active interest in their affairs holistically, during and after their career. During their career sportsman need to understand their finances, adopt good habits, exercise professionalism and also think about investment. At the same time developing a clear plan on how they are going to transition from active sports after their career. PolyNew Training Services will impact skills enabling sports men and women to prolong their active years, realise maximum value out of their active career and to prepare for transition after active years.

Learning Objectives:

  • Physical and psychological aspects of sports performance
  • Professionalism and dealing with pressure
  • How to take control of own nutrition and injuries
  • Career Transition – Preparing for Future Success
  • Understanding finances and building  good habits and clear solid investment approach

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This module is specifically designed for anyone who is active in sports or planning to build a career in sports.

The  module shall be delivered by way of:

  • Lectures
  • Demonstrations
  • Video
  • Group presentations
  • Case studies
  • Assignments & Tests

Each training group will have their training resources tailor made to meet their specific training requirements. The delivery method will be adjusted accordingly.