Business Intelligence (BI)

This course will introduce the key concepts of business intelligence, data integration, data warehousing, data virtualisation and data mining through a case study of a fictitious retail company, consisting of multiple branches, that aims to consolidate its view of the business, establish a consistent way of reporting on key performance indicators, and gain a competitive advantage by leveraging the power of data integration and analysis.

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the concepts and components of Business Intelligence (BI).
  • Critically evaluate use of BI for supporting decision making in an organisation.
  • Understand and use the technologies and tools that make up BI (e.g. Data warehousing, Data reporting and use of Online analytical processing (OLAP)).
  • Understand and design the technological architecture that underpins BI systems.
  • Plan the implementation of a BI system.

We have great Advisors!!

This module is specifically designed for anyone with an interest in the effective use of business intelligence e.g. Project Managers, Business Analysts, Marketing Directors, Database Analysts and Database administrators.

The  module shall be delivered by way of:

  • Lectures
  • Demonstrations
  • Video
  • Group presentations
  • Case studies
  • Assignments & Tests

Each training group will have their training resources tailor made to meet their specific training requirements. The delivery method will be adjusted accordingly.